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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

What You Should Know About Car Insurance

In addition to the compulsory insurance of civil liability of motor vehicles, different types of insurance to minimize the damage. If you want to pay a quick insurance, car owners should collect full decade necessary paperwork and is best helped by relatives. 

The Bao Minh paid 300 million for the Mitsubishi Jolie owner fires back October, is clear evidence for the interests of customers when purchasing insurance. The amount of 300 million is not enough to purchase a new car, but compared to the "lost", it is also somewhat less physical damage that riders encounter.

Other forms of insurance and benefits

Currently, there are 4 types of insurance customers when buying a car can participate in most insurance companies including compulsory insurance of civil liability of motor vehicle owners; insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners for freight car; physical damage insurance of motor vehicles; Insurance passengers and other drivers car accident.

In the four categories above, compulsory insurance of civil liability of motor vehicle owners is that all types of individuals and organizations (including foreign individuals) car ownership in Vietnam to participate in accordance state regulations.When buying insurance, motor vehicle owners insurance company will pay the amount they have to pay compensation under civil law for damages caused to third parties and passengers under the contract of carriage by the use of a motor vehicle causing.

For the case of damage, the insurance will pay the reasonable expenses for the treatment, rehabilitation training, funeral costs ... .and reasonable degree of fault of the owner of the car. For assets, payments are calculated on the basis of actual damage and vehicle owner's fault. In addition, vehicle owners also pay for reasonable and necessary to prevent, limit losses related to the accident such as a fire call, use a fire extinguisher.

The remaining three types of insurance customers after totally by voluntary content agreement with the insurance company. Especially in that, with the type of material and car insurance, the insurance company will compensate the material damage caused by the car accident suddenly, out of the control of the owner of the car, the driver in the case Collisions, overthrow, fire, fire, accidents majeure due to natural (hurricanes, floods, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, hail, take the whole car).

The note when you have an accident and payment procedures

One of the most commonly occurring negligence car accident when the car owner did not keep the scene to the insurance company confirmed the damage. Some cases of collision with another vehicle, the customer is often said that the car has insurance should not care to make a record. Meanwhile, most of the insurance companies are regulated in case of an accident, the vehicle owner or driver must immediately notify the police agencies and insurance to solve.

In addition to timely notice, the car is not moving to dismantle or repair without the approval from the insurance company, unless instructed to implement the agency's authority.

If a case of loss of the vehicle owners (or drive) to immediately notify the police and local authorities where the incident occurred and immediately notify the insurer in writing. Typically, the majority of insurance companies specified length of time your car is notified 24 hours after the incident.

Besides the above provisions, vehicle owners need to collect full papers to the insurance company paid quickly.Depending on each company, but the general documents for payment include: accident records by police agencies set up; papers relating to the vehicle such as insurance certificate, certificate of environmental safety inspection, driver's license, vehicle registration papers; the invoices related to the cost of emergency medical records (people), the cost of repair or replacement (assets) relating to the settlement of traffic accidents.

The above problems can become very troublesome because usually when the incident, the car (driver) very unnerving.Therefore, most customers do not comply with regulations or procedures do not make the necessary compensation difficulty or impossible. In the event of a fire Mitsubishi Jolie, though very confused but the car was fully implemented procedures with the help of the house and then get insurance money quickly.
Different Themes
Written by Insurance Rack

Deep knowledge regarding Life Insurance, Car Insurance and many more about the topic of Insurance