Besides compulsory insurance, car owners can purchase insurance services other voluntary contribution to harm reduction in case of accident, theft.
But choosing the security package no insurance, no insurance company reputation and consistent with the conditions of use of his vehicle, the vehicle owner does not know. On the auto insurance market today there are 4 types of insurance customers when buying a car can participate in most insurance companies include: Compulsory insurance of civil liability of motor vehicle owners to third parties;Insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners for freight car; Physical damage insurance of motor vehicles; Insurance passengers and other drivers car accident.
Of these, compulsory insurance of civil liability of motor vehicle owners to third parties is that all types of individuals and organizations (including foreign individuals) car ownership in Vietnam forced to participate as prescribed by the state, to ensure the rights of a third party if the unfortunate owners, driving, causing damage to them. This category does not apply only to vehicles but also applies even motorcycles - means the potential risk of accidents (extreme danger, according to the authorities).
3 types of insurance remaining entirely voluntarily content agreement with the insurance company. Type of material insurance (hull) vehicle owners using popular car, the insurance company will compensate the material damage caused by the car accident suddenly, out of the control of vehicle owners, driving in the case of a collision, overthrow, fire, fire, accidents majeure due to natural (hurricanes, floods, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, hail, take the whole car) .Basically, insurance auto insurance companies have forms and similar terms, based on Decision No. 23/2007 / QD - TC issued by the Ministry of Finance.According to the insurance company in Vietnam, with 70% of customers buy only used cars hull insurance for the car.
However, auto insurance customers often ignore a very important procedure, which is the contractual terms between the owner and the insurance company. One of the reasons that caused the controversy and litigation that the insurance contract does not understand the regulations and insurance. Nguyen Thuong, in charge of Business Insurance Post said, the majority of customers do not always interested in the conditions of contract terms: as overdue registration, improper use of vehicle registration purposes, accidents when driving with no insurance B2 or lack of need insurance.
Therefore, to avoid inadvertent may detriment later, before you buy insurance, you need to delve into the category of contract and consider expanding coverage. Also, you should consider the following criteria: First, cost, price, existing insurance companies are competing in both price and quality. Consider the price of insurance is right for your budget best. Please read the terms of insurance contracts. When the incident, leaving the scene and immediately contact the insurance company to settle.
Second, compensation, you learn through friends, media services for compensation of the company you are interested quick, convenient, accurate or not. Third, the service, you should choose the insurance company or garage prestigious and convenient for travel, repair and understand the level of cooperation of the insurance company with garage, avoid traveling extensively times as cumbersome procedures.