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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Important Things to Know about Car Insurance

Along with economic development, more and more people choose cars as transportation for themselves. To protect the vehicle, an important asset, vehicle owners often choose to buy insurance for your car. But between 20 insurance companies on the market today, how can pick the appropriate insurance and buy the kind of insurance for your car will be the concern of anyone who owns a car.

Car Insurance 

Car insurance compensation for your financial losses arising from accidents involving your car. It is the first contract concluded between you and the insurance company (insurance companies), whereby when you pay the premiums (insurance) and insurance companies committed to compensation for damages under the provisions of the insurance contract .

Car insurance compensation what?

Car insurance compensation for material damage vehicles, third party liability and accident sitting in the car:

Physical Damage Car: compensation in case of accidents leading to vehicle damage, deformation or stolen

Responsibility for third parties: Compensation liability for your third party due to negligence causing injury to person or property damage to third parties

Accident passengers: compensation for medical expenses and other costs to passengers when an accident

This cover does have some exclusions, many of which are especially common ones and can make you upset when experiencing loss without compensation. However, there are some cases, insurance companies will give some exclusions if you agree to pay additional charges. Some exclusions you should look to buy more as damage goes on the road flooded, stolen parts, Insurance companies are not always willing to expand to the point of exclusion.

By law, liability insurance is compulsory third party car owners. If you do not have insurance, you'll be fine, keep driving by car or by the traffic police. You must purchase this insurance, at least at a minimum, 50 million VND for injury to persons and 50 million VND for damage to property

Term insurance

majority, the application / auto insurance policy with a term of 1 year. In case you buy a car installments, the bank may require you to buy insurance in the first insurance company to appoint a longer term, usually three years.

At the end of the insurance period, usually your insurance agent will ask you to renew the contract and pay the premiums for the new term.

The note when you have an accident and payment procedures

One of the most commonly occurring negligence car accident when the car owner did not keep the scene to the insurance company confirmed the damage. Some cases of collision with another vehicle, the customer is often said that the car has insurance should not care to make a record.Meanwhile, most of the insurance companies are regulated in case of an accident, the vehicle owner or driver must immediately notify the police agencies and insurance to solve.

In addition to timely notice, the car is not moving to dismantle or repair without the approval from the insurance company, unless instructed to implement the agency's authority.

If a case of loss of the vehicle owners (or drive) to immediately notify the police and local authorities where the incident occurred and immediately notify the insurer in writing. Typically, the majority of insurance companies specified length of time your car is notified 24 hours after the incident.

Besides the above provisions, vehicle owners need to collect full papers to the insurance company paid quickly. Depending on each company, but the general documents for payment include: accident records by police agencies set up; papers relating to the vehicle such as insurance certificate, certificate of environmental safety inspection, driver's license, vehicle registration papers; the invoices related to the cost of emergency medical records (people), the cost of repair or replacement (assets) relating to the settlement of traffic accidents.
Different Themes
Written by Insurance Rack

Deep knowledge regarding Life Insurance, Car Insurance and many more about the topic of Insurance